Submitted by A.J. Wilby on Tue, 17/12/2024 - 09:47
MBE student Mark Bahreini shares the following information about the non-profit Reach the World:
For anyone interested, I am helping to reach our fundraising goal of $12,000 for ‘Reach the World,’ a non-profit organization where I have proudly served on the Young Professional Board for several years. This non-profit connects bright young scholars (e.g., Peace Corps volunteers, Fulbright Scholars, etc.), supports their travel, and matches them 1:1 virtually with underserved/rural K-12 classrooms to teach on exciting topics.
For example, one Fulbright scholar studying peace, development, and security is traveling throughout Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, and other areas. She is documenting her journey by logging travels, writing field notes, and creating journals and lesson plans. These efforts culminate in many virtual teaching lessons for the underserved classroom. That said, whether it be that or an actual Arctic expedition— both the traveler and the classroom are learning together throughout the trip.
We are asking for donations of ~£25, but any amount would be greatly appreciated. If you’re interested in supporting, please follow the donation link below.
Thank you!